Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Shakespeare Quiz

Which Shakespeare Heroine Are you?   My mother sent me this quiz earlier this month.  I enjoyed it, and found my result not only humorous but even mostly accurate :P  I am:  Helena (from A Midsummer Night's Dream): You are thoughtful, sensitive, elegant, and beautiful, although you might not realize it. You have the soul of an artist and you like the space around you to be pretty as well. Sometimes you get a little sad and woeful, but remember you have friends who love you, and that some guys aren't worth getting depressed about. You're looking for a romantic soulmate to sweep you off your feet, and you're sure to find one…just don't be afraid to look in some unusual places!

Seeing as how we are doing Shakespeare this year, I was excited that there was a fun quiz to take (even though I didn't recognize all of the actors and things of course.)  Anybody else care to find their result? XD



Elizabeth said...

Hermia (from A Midsummer Night's Dream): You are cheerful, fun, enthusiastic, and a performer-and you might have a tiny complex about your height. You tend to fall for your guy friends…and chances are your crush is crazy about you, too! You have star quality and tons of energy that you devote to things you're passionate about, especially your friends. Shoot for your dreams, because you're the kind of girl who will achieve them.

Yeah! We are from the same book!!

Victoria said...

Portia (from Merchant of Venice): Do a lot of people come to you for advice? Or to help them make decisions? It's not surprising-you are intelligent, logical, and above all, fair. You see things rationally and are really good at arguing your points. You're also pretty picky about what kind of guy you fall for, because when you choose one, you want him to be smart and interesting and just right for you…and he should be! Trust your brain; it's pretty darn smart.
