Friday, September 2, 2011

Random Ramblings

I keep thinking there certainly should be something to post today, but, alas (or perhaps you find this a joy) I find nothing creative to say or post here!
Once again my video attempt has failed -_- Hopefully Blogger will, in the future, allow me to post videos again. Why has it banned one of my favorite hobbies? Why has it blocked my creative juices from being shown to the world? I may never know.
Some exciting news has come up! In two days time I shall have departed for vacation! Woot! The day after tomorrow I will find myself in the car and on the way to the beach. I still, heh, need to pack. I think my clothes sneaked out of the closet and, instead of finding their way into my suitcase, decided it would be more fun to lay all over the floor. Good for them, I might normally say, but right now, I kind of need them to do something slightly more productive. They seem to claim that it was I, I who put everything away as soon as I am done with it, left them there. I find this hard to believe. They must simply be refusing to pack themselves. Quite a notion, my clothes have. Frustrating notion indeed.
I have poured my time and built up excitement into reading books (shocking, I know.) I had considered posting a list of books I have read this year...somewhere...but that would mean editing my blog on my mother's account. Something which would actually take time to do. That's also why my side picture is, *cough* , a year and a half old *hides* I haven't found a new picture of me I like as much yet. >.< For our Co-op pictures this year my hair decided it wanted to try some blonde highlights ... which turn orange if you try to put the dye in it every day. Who knew? So hence me not liking those pictures as much, because I find myself going *is that my hair?* But I'm over it now -.- Really.
So, I have considered trying out a blog post 'most every day. least once a week XD I worry I hear groans coming from those who occasionally glance at my blog XD As such, I'm sure you've heard enough of my babbling for today. I bid thee farewell!


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