Monday, December 20, 2010

Photoshop for Fun!

I enjoy editing pictures on photoshop either for practical purposes (rarely) or for my own amusement. They do not always turn out how I like them to, or even make sense have of the time, but it's still enjoyable!

This first one is how I would imagine the ovulum from the Oracles of Fire series (by Bryan Davis. Scroll down a few posts for more information!) I can not take credit for this picture, as it came with a photoshop book that taught me how to make the stone glow. So really, this is just following instructions for the most part, but I was pleased with the outcome! And I added the rays of light and the eye in the center, to finish of the touches and make it the ovulum, not just a rock that glows (theirs was purple!)
This is a picture my mother took of me early this year. I decided to transform myself into a chaaracter (not the first time this has been tried) but this time I used a character from my own story. This...didn't turn out quite how I wanted, but it was fun nonetheless. This character is a fairy, so she has wings. I tried to add them. Not horrendous, but not...great. I added the little star things all around of course. I also had some fun with editing myself ;) I darkened my eye color, changing it to a light brown (hypothetically.) I lightened my hair with the dodge tool, and then gave it a very slight yellow/blonde color. I did the same to my eyebrows. I whitened my teeth (wow, that was an interesting thing to do!) and took out a brown spot from moms camera from my shirt. And I also fixed up my skin a bit to make my complexion a bit more clear, and added "digital" makeup to my eyes. So below is my rendition of a book character!
This photo was taken by Calleigh (thank you Calleigh!) and it was so cool! Unfortunately, it was a pink mirror I was holding (not too dramatic) so I needed to change that. I suppose I got carried away ;) I added contrast and darkened the photo a tad. I took out the dark circles under my eye and touched up my complexion again. I lightened around my earring to see if I could make it sparkle more. I darkened my lashes a tad, colored my lips a little bit, and fixed my eyebrows. My hair was left mostly the same, though it was darkened by the change of contrast. The title was just for fun. I also considered Inner Beauty as a title. I thought it sounded like an intriguing book cover! But...alas...I have not wrote it. (So Calleigh, Sarah, and Emily...I have opened a new opportunity for you with a book cover already created! *bows*)


Calleigh said...

Hey! I claim writing the book since it was my picture!!! :P
Great job on the pictures, Skye! They're all really good! :D

Writerwannabe15 said...

Oh Skye. That last picture is absolutely stunning. Kudos to Calleigh for taking it! And I might recruit you to tweak a couple of my pictures on photoshop, Skye! :) Mmm...oh yes, I could definitely write a story with that as the cover!

Elizabeth said...

I think you all should write a story with that as the cover and see where they go:) The pictures are amazing Skye!!

Skyeler said...

Thanks guys! Believe me, I enjoy doing it! :)

I'd definitely be recruited Sara!

And I agree, Elizabeth. You should all write a story *pokes*