Thursday, May 26, 2011

Next Time Won't You Sing With Me?

For the first time in my blogging history (short history albeit) I have been tagged! Olivia tagged me with the ABC ... thing (for lack of a creative word) and now it is my turn! Thanks Olivia! Perchance I shall follow you in celebrating this tag annually *grin*

A. Age: Sixteen
B. Bed size: Twin. (and lots of pillows) XD
C. Chore you hate: I don't have too many assigned chores *dodges random objects thrown at me* But I do not particular like to unload the dishwasher. But, in general, it is a tossup between doing dishes and running the vacuum. Thankfully, I have been spared those unappealing jobs.
D. Day: Um, 'tis Thursday. My favorite day of the week varies.
E. Essential start to your day: Hmm, probably getting something to drink :)
F. Favorite color: Blue (though I like purple a lot too, in case you didn't notice, lol)
G. Gold or silver: Silver! Definitely. It used to be my second favorite color, but I am now unsure if a metallic counts as a color.
H. Height: I'm not entirely sure. About 4'10'' 1/2
I. Instruments: PIANO!!!!!!!!!!!!!

J. Job title: Um...there must be something witty to put here... Ah well. When I finally start that Photography business with my mom, I'll have a title XD
K. Kids: I am a kid, don't have any of my own. But I have a cat!!!! :D

L. Live: In my own little world.
M. Mom's name: Angel
N. Nicknames: Depends who from! Skye is the most popular and widely used. T
hen there is Cloudler, thankfully not used often. Then Dancing Oracle, Isi, Sapphira, Marianne, Fanny dear, Dearest, Cling, Nadia, Ani... Yes, I have many. Though several of these came from books, and several are used virtually from my online friends :)
O. Overnight hospital stays: Thank God zero
P. Pet peeve: Oh, I don't know. I really don't like loud noises, bad smells, large crowds, bright lights, itchy clothes...but those are more sensory things than pet peeves
Q. Quote from a movie: Just quote Tangled. That about sums it up ;) Oh! And Thank you for nothing, you useless reptile. Then there is probably a Doctor Who quote or two or
five... ;) And don't forget the several Jane Austen quotes! X_X too many movie quotes total... XD

R. Right or left handed: Right.
S. Siblings: One sister :)

T. Time you wake up: About 9:00 ish
U. Underwear: Um, what about it....? O.o weird question I dare say.
V. Vegetables you dislike: *chuckles* I like most vegetables. I can't think of any I don't like...
W. What makes you run late: Parents and sister and sleepiness. I don't like to be late myself, though of course some times it is my fault if we are late. I just can't stand being late!
X. X-rays you've had: I believe only one. Maybe two though.
Y. Yummy food you make: Who knows. Not much XD Chocolate chip cookies I suppose ;)

Z. Zoo: I want to go again...

Okay! now I get to tag people myself! Let's see...I tag

Have fun!



Olivia said...

Hehe, that was fun to read! And the Tangled pictures make it even better. XD

My antispam word was "ingesses". O.o

Skyeler said...

*laughs* I thank thee! And I love Tangled pictures :D

My color kind of freaked :P Ah well.