Thursday, December 16, 2010


About a week ago hundreds of birds were flying about our neighborhood. There were in trees in our front yard, backyard, and in our neighbors' yards. Flying past the windows and making a lot of noise, I eventually looked outside to see just how many there were. They were like leaves on the trees there were so many of them! Hardly an hour later, all of them were gone. It was a small, short-lived experience, but it was still amazing! The next week on our way to church I saw an Eagle in the snowstorm. It was beautiful, and I wish we would start bringing the camera with us always. But alas, that has yet to happen. So instead I have written a poem about the many birds in our yard that day :) As of yet, it has no title.

The screeching melody
Is heard
Out of my window.
Black against the blue
By this sunny afternoon.
The awkward pleasantness
Of chaos harmony
Thousands of voices
In one and several chords
The beat
Of a hundred wings
The chime
Of wind
Stirring lack of leaves
Kissing tenderly
The branches they light upon
Before their winter flight.
Like a cyclone
By mindless chattering
In another language
I do not speak.
The sound
The beauty
Confusion and discord
Becomes a wonder.
But they spread their wings
And not an hour later
They're gone.

December 8, 2010



Calleigh said...

Ooh! Very cool, Skye. I love the poem! *insert nodding smiley* :p

Skyeler said...

Thank you Dearest!