Friday, February 25, 2011

Inner Justice

My heart is melting
As salty water hits it
From my eyes.
My spirit sighs
It is consumed
By inner cries
For though
I place a mask upon my face
I have hidden my distress
M inward aching
I don a docile drape
But inside
My heart is screaming.
This is unfair!
But, alas,
So it seems life can be.
Does justice
Have no place
In reality?



Emily Tate said...

Oh my gosh, you hit me so hard. I feel this ALL the time! Does justice really not exist in this world? In this reality? Is it only something we make up in our dreams of wannabe? *sigh* Glad to know I'm not the only one.

Elizabeth said...

Beautiful Skye. The word are strong and delicate, show power and weakness all at the same time. Beautiful.