Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Hello, and welcome to my blog! This is where I will be posting my photography, poetry, and other thoughts worthy of notice. I am very interested in photography, and seek to one day possibly continue this passion as a profession. Due to multiple photography assignments, this may result in multiple posts a day to keep up with my many photos (and to keep each assignment organized). As far as my poetry is concerned, I have been writing a vast degree more than ever before! I shall welcome comments regarding my written works with open arms, as I endeavor to improve yet further. Lastly, other notes I may record here will indefinitely prove to appear in no organized manner. These shall be my random, though hopefully commendable, notes of life. If you are reading this, I thank you for passing through and glancing at my life’s thoughts! I hope you enjoy what I have to say, whether the notes be in form of image, words, or music.

1 comment:

Calleigh said...

Yay Skye!!! I can't wait to read/see everything!!! :D (Blogs need smiley faces!!)