Thursday, June 23, 2011

Co-op Picture Day

Well, this year for picture day we waited until the very last co-op. But thankfully, we got it all done! Mom ran around with the camera for a long time, snapping portraits of us all. I have been assembling my yearbook page, and need a portrait. I have already chosen and put one on, but I thought if any of my followers (albeit nigh as inactive as I in the blogging world) would drop a comment and say which picture they think is best, I might end up changing it to the better one (as voted by majority.) If not, I (woot!) made another post! :) lol


Monday, June 20, 2011

Ladies' Banquet

This May for our annual Ladies' Banquet, Elizabeth, Emily, Victoria, and I decided to dress up in formal gowns for the dinner. As we homeschoolers have no prom, we decided we should use this as our time to dress up :) We spent much of the day getting ready, and had a blast! I did Aly's hair before leaving to join the three other girls at Elizabeth and Tori's household, and then gladly helped them take over the bathroom there with make-up, my curling iron, brushes, Jewelry, tiara, glitter, nail polish, Victoria's hairspray (which we used...well...all of), and lots and lots and lots of bobby pins. I went through all of mine, all of moms, and a good number of Elizabeth's pins. I was so proud of myself for doing my own hair and putting it up that I also did Emily and Elizabeth's hair. Even more importantly, they liked it ;) I would say we spent a good bit of the evening swishing around, trying to act graceful, running around in the heels, or smelling roses. Upon us getting up to eat, one little girl said, "Look Mommy! They're princesses!"

Us all lined up and having our picture taken *grin*
Elizabeth, Me, Emily, Victoria

Shocking, I know, but we wanting a picture with the piano. Even more shocking, M and I were trying to play it while the pictures were being taken.
Victoria, Elizabeth, me, M

Us playing with our roses. Quite fun! I added the spotlight in Photoshop because...why not :D
Victoria, Emily, Elizabeth, me
