Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Until the Death

How can I show my friend
What, to me,
Has always been so simple;
I need you.
But you're not by my side
A this moment
And such has caused my heart
To bleed
Because I miss you
Love you
Need you
And you have told me
I am needed
So do not fear;
You reside
In my prayers
My thoughts
My heart
And I will be there for you
Until the death.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


I recently have been using Photoshop not only for editing pictures already taken, but for creating new images, and adding new elements to those photographs. I have tried a few online tutorials to get the gist of how some people create digital art on Photoshop, and actually ran across free brushes to download. After I figured out how to do it, I was pretty excited (and now have probably more brushes downloaded than necessary...)

Below are some of my newest Photoshop Works. All three are pictures of Aly taken when she was young, and the photography is Mom's. I love almost any types of wings, and these are my first attempts at using the "Wing brushes" on people. I have been spending quite a bit of time using these new brushes and techniques, and can't wait to try out some more!
